DLP 3D Printer

3D Printing Technology: Digital Light Processing – DLP

Digital Light Processing, DLP in short, is used to fabricate 3D models, parts, and prototypes. It is sometimes confused with Stereolithography (SLA), another 3D printing technology. You can find out more about SLA and compare the differences here. How Does DLP work? The build platform is placed in a vat of photopolymer (resin). A DLP…

Resin 3D Printer

3D Printing Technology: Stereolithography – SLA

Stereolithography, SLA in short, is an additive manufacturing method to create 3D models, parts, and prototypes. SLA is one of the oldest technologies, and in principle, has a process that is very similar to Digital Light Processing (DLP). To find out more about DLP, you can check out our article on it here. How Does…